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l 个人简介

张云鹏,男,1066vip威尼斯电气工程系讲师、硕士生导师。20199月毕业于香港理工大学电机工程系获电气工程哲学博士学位,IEEE MemberIET Member,中国电工技术学会高级会员,中国电工技术学会第九届理事会青年工作委员会委员,上海市电机工程学会(上海市电工技术学会)电路与系统专委会委员,IEEE电磁学会标准委员会电力、能源、电机与环境技术分委员会主席,中国电器工业协会起重冶金(防爆)电机标准化专业委员会标准审查专家。研究方向主要包括电机设计及驱动控制、工程电磁场数值计算及应用电磁学,人工智能电气工程应用,变压器多物理场分析及优化设计等;主持上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、工业和信息化部高效节能电机系统产业链协同创新与产业化推广应用项目课题、省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室(河北工业大学)开放课题、电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学)开放课题、1066vip威尼斯青年英才启航计划等六项纵向课题,及华为技术有限公司资助电机电磁软件、优化算法、并行算法开发研究项目课题;在IEEE TMAGIEEE TECIEEE JESTPE等顶尖期刊、会议发表/录用论文20余篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文15篇,授权发明专利1项,申请发明专利4项,研究成果获2021年全国电工理论与新技术学术年会优秀论文,担任2021 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Equipment and Reliable Operation分会场主席及多个SCI杂志及国际会议审稿人。获上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、上海高校青年教师培养资助计划、1066vip威尼斯青年英才启航计划。

l 主要研究领域





l 代表性成果

SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Magnetics》、《IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion》、《IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics》、《Numerical Heat Transfer》、以及《电工技术学报》、《高电压技术》等期刊发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文15篇,授权发明专利1项。

▪ 论文

        1、Z. Qiao, Y. Zhang, J. Luo, W. Fu, D. Shao, and H. Cao, “A Non-Permanent Magnet DC-Biased Vernier Reluctance Linear Machine with Non-Uniform Air Gap Structure for Ripple Reduction,” Actuators., in press.

    2、Z. Ruan, W. Song, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang and Y. Guo, “A Variable Switching Frequency Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Control Strategy of Induction Motor Drive System with Torque,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., in press.

    3、Z. Ruan, W. Song, Y. Zhang, G. Yao, Y. Guo, “A Variable Switching Frequency Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique Using Virtual Flux Ripple,” IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., in press.

    4、Y. Zhang, H. Huang*, D. Shao, X. Yang and C. Zhang, “Finite element method based co-simulation platform for the numerical analysis of motor drive system,” COMPEL, in press.

    5、H. Wu, S. Niu, Y. Zhang, X. Zhao and W. Fu, "Fast Magnetic Field Approximation Method for Simulation of Coaxial Magnetic Gears using AI," IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Ind. Electron., in press.

    6、H. Wu, S. Niu, Y. Zhang, and W. Fu, “Physics-Informed Generative Adversarial Network-Based Modeling and Simulation of Linear Electric Machines,” Appl. Sci., vol. 12, no. 20, art. no. 10426, Oct. 2022.

    7、Y. Zhang, X. Yang, D. Shao, C. Zhang, and Q. Wang, “Research on the Adaptive Domain Decomposition Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Analysis,” HVE, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 2754-2761, July 2022.

    8、Y. Zhang, Dingguo Shao, Xinsheng Yang, Weinong Fu, “3-D Nonlinear Magnetic Field Analysis with a Novel Adaptive Finite Element Method,” Electr. Eng., vol. 103, no. 6, pp. 2603-2610, Dec. 2021.

    9、H. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Fu, C. Zhang, and S. Niu, “A Novel Pre-process Method for Neural Network-Based Magnetic Field Approximation,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 57, no. 10, art. no. 9200109, Oct. 2021.

    10、X. Yang, Y. Zhang, G. Xu, C. Zhang, W. Fu, “Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Transformer Base on T-y Finite Element Method,” Trans. China Electrotech. Soc., vol. 36, no. S1, pp. 75-83, July 2021.

    11、Y. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Wu, D. Shao and W. Fu, “Adaptive Degrees-of-Freedom Finite Element Analysis of 3-D Transient Magnetic Problems,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 57, no. 2, art. no. 7400205, Feb. 2021.

    12、Y. Zhang, X. Liu, H. Wu, S. Ho, and W. Fu, “3-D Transient Magneto-Thermal Field Analysis Using Adaptive Degrees-of-Freedom Finite Element Method,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 56, no. 3, art. no. 7511004, Mar. 2020.

    13、X. Yang, S. Ho, W. Fu*, Y. Zhang, G. Xu, Q. Yang, and W. Deng, "Analysis and design of nanofuid‑flled power transformers," Electr. Eng., vol. 102, pp. 321-329, Mar. 2020.

    14、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, W. Fu, X. Yang, H. Wu, H. Yang, and Y. Jie, “Numerical study on nanofluids natural convection heat transfer inside power transformer windings,” AIP Advances, vol. 9, no. 12, art. no. 125343, Dec. 2019.

    15、X. Yang, S. Ho, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, G. Xu, Q. Yang, W. Deng, and D. Peng, "An adjustable degrees-of-freedom numerical method for computing the temperature distribution of electrical devices," Electr. Eng., vol. 101, pp. 507-516, June 2019

    16、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, W. Fu, X. Yang, and H. Wu, “Numerical study on natural convective heat transfer of nanofluids in disc-type transformer windings,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 51267-51275, Apr.2019.

    17、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, W. Fu, and H. Wu, “An adaptive degrees-of-freedom finite element method for 3-D nonlinear magneto-thermal field analysis,” Numer. Heat Tr. A-appl., vol. 75, no. 8, pp. 523-532, Apr. 2019.

    18、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, and W. Fu, “Applying response surface method to oil-immersed transformer cooling system for design optimization,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 54, no. 11, art. no. 8401705, Nov. 2018.

    19、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, and W. Fu, “A dynamic multi-level optimal design method with embedded finite-element modeling for power transformers,” AIP Advances, vol. 8, no. 5, art. no. 056610, May 2018.

    20、Y. Zhang, S. Ho, and W. Fu, “Heat transfer comparison of nanofluid filled transformer and traditional oil-immersed transformer,” AIP Advances, vol. 8, no. 5, art. no. 056724, May 2018.

    21、J. Cheng*, Y. Zhang, Z. Qiao, J. Luo, H. CAO, “Design and analysis of novel flux reversal permanent magnet motors for hub motor,” in Proc. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Technologies (CEECT), Shanghai, China, Dec. 2022, accepted.

    22、Q. Wang*, Y. Zhang, H. Cao, Q. Bi, “Multistep Model Predictive Control of Induction Motors for Reducing Switching Frequency,” in Proc. International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems (SPIES), Beijing, China, Oct. 2022, in press. (Won the best presentation award).

    23Q. Wang*, Y. Zhang and W. Song, "A Satisfactory Vector Selection Model Predictive control to Reduce Switching Frequency," in Proc. IEEE 2nd China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE), Chengdu, China, Dec. 2021, art. no. 21588553. (Won the best presentation award).

▪ 获奖









    2、张云鹏,乔振阳,杨新生,等. 一种用于电磁场求解的自适应区域分解有限元方法,申请号:202110779467.0





    1、肖俊杰,杨力明,周永,金琰斐,张云鹏等,生命智能,1066vip威尼斯出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5671-4531-3, 202210月.






l 科研项目

   1、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,电磁-温度多物理场强耦合分析方法研究, 2020/07-2023/06,主持;


l 国际合作


