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RehabilitationExercises and Equipment for Stroke Patients

创建时间:  2016/05/16  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

题目:RehabilitationExercises and Equipment for Stroke Patients
主讲人:NigelZheng, Ph.D.
时间: 2016.5.27下午2点

主讲人介绍:BMR Leader,Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science
Universityof North Carolina at Charlotte

内容概要:Every year, about800,000 people in the United States have a stroke. Most of them recover from astroke with rehabilitation. Some will have serious long-term disability. Afterbeing in the acute hospital a patient often need to perform a long list ofstroke rehab exercises in inpatient rehab, outpatient therapy clinic and cominghome with multiple home exercise programs. In this talk, Dr. Zheng will discussmost common stroke rehab exercises and equipment for stroke patients. He willalso discuss current trends and future direction for stroke rehab exerciseequipment.

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