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创建时间:  2016/10/09  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

活动地点: 延长校区乐乎楼第二会议室
活动时间: 2016年10月16日 上午9:30-10:30
报告人:Prof. Yan Zhang, University of Oslo, Norway
The concept of “connected vehicles” is driving the evolution of traditional transport systems into the era of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). In this emerging paradigm IoV, we may envision that the concepts of cloud computing, fog computing, and software defined networks (SDN) play a crucial role. This talk mainly includes three parts. In the first part, we introduce the key concepts and architectures in the IoV scenario. Then, we focus on several unprecedented challenges and potential solutions when we explore cloud computing, fog computing, and SDN for next-generation intelligent transport systems. These challenges are related to new cloud/fog computing scenarios, optimal resource management, SDN for vehicular networks, and new services.

