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Mouse behaviour analysis

创建时间:  2016/11/14  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目: Mouse behaviour analysis
报告人:   英国Belfast女王大学Huiyu Zhou博士
报告时间: 2016年11月15号(周二)下午13:00
报告地点: 1066vip威尼斯延长校区电机楼二楼会议室
Manual measurement of mouse behaviour is highly labour intensive and prone to errors. This project aims to efficiently and accurately recognize individual mouse behaviours in action videos. In our system each mouse action video is expressed as the collection of a set of interest points. We extract both visual and contextual features from the interest points collected from the training datasets, and then obtain two Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) dictionaries for the visual and contextual features. The two GMM dictionaries are transformed to Fisher Vectors to represent each mouse action video. A neural network was used to classify mouse action videos. Comparisons show that our system performs better than the other state of the art techniques.
Dr. Huiyu Zhou obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Radio Technology from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology of China, and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Dundee of United Kingdom, respectively. He was then awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Vision from the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Dr. Zhou is a lecturer (assistant professor) at School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers in the field. He was the recipient of "Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2012 Most Cited Paper Award", “International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2016 Best Paper Award” and was nominated for "Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2006 Nightingale Prize". Four of his papers recently published by Elsevier were ranked as the ScienceDirect Top 25 Articles. Dr. Zhou currently serves as an Associate Editor of "IEEE Transaction on Human-Machine Systems", and is on the Editorial Boards of five refereed journals. He is one of the Technical Committee of “Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communication in IEEE SMC Society”, “Robotics Task Force” and “Biometrics Task Force” of the Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He serves or has served as a technical program committee for 300 conferences in signal and image processing and a reviewer for 100 refereed journals including over 20 IEEE Transactions/Journals. He has given over 50 invited talks at international conferences, industry and universities, and has served as a chair for 30 international conferences and workshops. His research work has been or is being supported by UK EPSRC, EU, Invest NI and industry.

