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创建时间:  2017/03/13  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回



地点:1066vip威尼斯嘉定校区化学楼2 中瑞中心会议室


Heat management is one of the major challenges in modern electronic devices. The higher performance results in a production of greater amount of heat which needs to be efficiently dissipated so as to ensure the electronic devices operational during the period of lifetime. This talk discusses the application of micro- and nano-materials in thermal interface materials (TIM) for heat management. Effects of type, size and geometry of different fillers were experimentally investigated.
Kamil Janeczek received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland in 2008, 2009 and 2014, respectively. Since September 2008 he has worked at Tele and Radio Research Institute (ITR) in Centre for Advanced Technology. His main research interest focuses on Radio Frequency Identification systems, RFID-enabled sensors, printed electronics, new materials for printing of different kinds of electronics components (e.g. RFID antennas) and for surface mount technology as well as new manufacturing technologies of printed circuit boards. He takes or took part in realization of projects as follows: Sustainable Smart Mobile Devices Lifecycles through Advanced Re-design, Reliability, and Re-use and Remanufacturing Technologies, sustainably SMART, Boosting Life Cycle Assessment Use in European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Serving Needs of Innovative Key Sectors with Smart Methods and Tools, Experimental technology of embedding resistive and capacitive elements inside printed circuit boards. He participates or participated in Poland-China Scientific Cooperation between ITR and Shanghai University/SMIT Centre as well as in Poland - Slovenia Scientific Cooperation between ITR and Josef Stefan Institute. He is a member of IMAPS Poland Chapter and author or co-author of over 50 papers published in Polish and international journals or books. So far he has been granted 4 patents, 1 utility model and his 7 patent applications are considered. His research activity was recognized by 5 awards.

主讲人:波兰无线电研究所Kamil Janeczek博士
Kamil Janeczek
Tele and Radio Research Institute, Poland

