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创建时间:  2017/04/17  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报 告 人:吴争光(浙江大学研究员)
时    间2017年4月20日(周四)地    点延长校区电机楼二楼会议室202
报告摘要:The issue of asynchronous passive control is addressed for Markovian jump systems. The asynchronization phenomenon appears between the system modes and controller modes, which is described by a hidden Markovian model (HMM). Accordingly, a HMM is used to name the resultant closed-loop system. By utilizing the matrix inequality technique, three equivalent sufficient conditions are obtained, which can guarantee the hidden Markov jump systems to be stochastically passive. Based on the established conditions, the design of asynchronous controller, which covers the well-known mode-independent controller and synchronous controller as special cases, is addressed. The DC motor device is applied to demonstrate the practicability of the derived asynchronous synthesis scheme.


