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创建时间:  2017/05/31  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Computer Aided Diagnosis of Melanoma and Progresses
报告人: Yu Zhou博士(英国University of Central Lancashire)
时间: 2017年6月7日(周三)上午11:00
地点: 1066vip威尼斯延长校区电机楼201会议室
While many types of cancer are treatable at an early stage, advanced ones are widely known as notoriously dangerous, particularly for melanoma. Computer aided diagnosis of melanoma studies the clinical diagnosis process and aims for building a smart computer capable of diagnosing automatically, or at least giving an independent and valuable 3rd party opinion to assist the clinical practices.
In this presentation, I will talk about the 3D device we developed in our lab and shed light on a few technical aspects of the system, including photometric stereo, 3D texture analysis, ensemble classifier etc.
I will also cover the latest advances in this area.

Dr Zhou currently works in the University of Central Lancashire, UK, as a lecturer (tenure) since 2013. He is an active researcher in computer aided diagnosis, signal processing and embedded real-time systems. He has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed papers in the inter-disciplinary field of medicine -engineering.
Dr Zhou completed his PhD study in 2010 thanks to his work on developing the 1st ergonomic and portable photometric stereo device for computer aided diagnosis of skin cancer. He then spent nearly three years in the University of Leeds, working on a few exciting projects such as high-throughput online monitoring of crystallization processes in 3D and digital pathology for the artificial cartilage group.  
He is a member of IET and serving as editor and reviewer for a number of international journals.

