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The Potsdam Resilient Underground Microgrid

创建时间:  2017/06/12  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:The Potsdam Resilient Underground Microgrid
报告人:Thomas Ortmeyer教授(美国克拉克森大学)
The Potsdam Resilient Underground Microgrid will connect multiple entities within the Village of Potsdam that provide critical services during emergency conditions.  The proposed microgrid will connect several entities who provide critical services to the community during extended power outages caused by extreme events.  The microgrid will supply electric power to serve to emergency shelters for displaced population, shelters for recovery crews, medical services, freshwater and wastewater treatment systems, police, fire and rescue squads, and commercial businesses such as groceries, pharmacies, fuel stations and banks.
The successful microgrid will include sufficient generation to cover the necessary load, and interconnection of the multiple load serving entities at the primary distribution level.  The microgrid must maintain reliable service during both grid connected and independent operation, and it must be able to operated successfully under challenging situations.
The microgrid must also meet the economic and environmental constraints necessary to be successful.  It must have a business plan that will allow the various entities to interact, with reasonable costs apportioned fairly across the microgrid entities.
Finally, the microgrid must have a controller that manages the generation, distribution and load assets over a wide range of operating conditions while maintaining reliable service and operating with the equipment limits.
This seminar will also present an overview of the Power Engineering Program at Clarkson University. 
报告人简介:  Thomas Ortmeyer is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clarkson University. His work includes research into power quality, power system protection, and power distribution systems. Dr. Ortmeyer has chaired Clarkson’s electrical and Computer Engineering Department for 9 years, and developed and managed Clarkson’s Experiential Learning Program.  Dr. Ortmeyer is currently involved in research and development of resilient microgrids, particularly the Potsdam Underground Resilient Microgrid project.  He is also the Clarkson lead on the GridEd consortium, a workforce development project that is led by Electric Power Research Institute and funded by the US Department of Energy.  Dr. Ortmeyer is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.

上一条:Advanced Modeling and Optimization Techniques for Power System Operation under Uncertain Environment

下一条:Advanced Modeling and Optimization Techniques for Power System Operation under Uncertain Environment