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A Parametrized Controller Reduction Technique

创建时间:  2017/12/12  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

 Prof. Dr. Victor Sreeram
School of Electrical, Electronic,
& Computer Engineering, University of Western Australia.
    A Parametrized Controller Reduction Technique
主办单位 1066vip威尼斯机自学院自动化系
Standard controller design techniques yield higher order controllers for systems of higher order. Due to implementation issues, generally, lower order controllers are preferred over higher order controllers. Hence, some sort of controller reduction is necessary and the controller reduction problems are usually solved via frequency weighted model reduction problem. There is only one formulation of frequency weighted problem from the controller reduction problem and was first proposed by Enns in early 1980s. In this talk we present a new parametrized controller reduction technique based on new frequency weighted model reduction formulation. The technique is based on deriving a new set of weights for double-sided frequency weighted model reduction problem. Out of the new weights derived, one of them can be made to be a function of free parameters. By varying these free parameters in a double-sided frequency weighted problem, the frequency weighted error can be significantly reduced, subsequently obtaining more accurate low order controllers. The method proposed is quite general and can be applied to the reduction of multiple input and multiple output controllers.
Prof. Victor Sreeram obtained Bachelor's degree in 1981 from Bangalore University, India, Master's degree in 1983 from Madras University, India, and Ph.D degree from University of Victoria, Canada in 1989, all in Electrical Engineering. He worked as a Project Engineer in the Indian Space Research Organisation from 1983 to 1985. He joined the School of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering, University of Western Australia in 1990 and he is now a Professor. He has held Visiting Appointments at the Department of Systems Engineering, Australian National University during 1994, 1995 and 1996 and at the Australian Telecommunication Research Institute in Curtin University of Technology during 1997 and 1998. He is on the editorial board of many journals including IET Control, theory and applications, Asian Journal of Control, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Cogent Engineering, and Smart Grid and Renewable Energy. He was the General Chair of 3rd Australian Control Conference, held in Perth during November 2013 and Vice Chair of Australiasian Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) held in Perth during October 2014 and is now a Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Australia. He is currently the Chair of the steering committee for Australia New Zealand Control Conference series.His research interests are control, signal processing, communications and Smart Grid and Renewable Energy.
  箱: duxin@shu.edu.cn
资助单位 1066vip威尼斯国际事务处(高端外专项目)

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