活动时间: 2018年3月12日 下午3:30-5:30
活动地点: 延长校区 Ⅳ101
报告人: Prof. Jiannong Cao,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
报告摘要:As the Internet becomes increasingly ubiquitous, it is evolving into the communication medium for objects that are embedded in the physical world. The coupling between such objects and a worldwide standard-based communication infrastructure constitutes the Internet of Things (IoT) and is characterized by machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. IoT has many applications including smart cities, logistics, industrial control and healthcare. However, the Internet of Things is still maturing. Currently, IoT technologies still largely focus on the networking aspect of connecting and controlling the things. As the IoT continues to develop, further potential can be realized by a combination with related technology approaches such as Cloud computing, Big Data, and AI. In this talk, I will discuss the current challenges and future development of IoT that adds intelligence to the interconnected objects and their interactions in performing functions and making smart decisions. Such a Smart IoT will facilitate a sustainable platform empowering advanced applications. I will also summarize our research in the past years along this direction.