报告人: Vivi Tornari
Optical Coherent Metrology: Holography Techniques for Artwork Direct Structural Diagnosis(英文)
时间:2018年5月4 日 上午10: 00
Paraskevi Tornari博士是希腊电子结构与激光研究院的高级研究员。该研究院隶属希腊研究与技术基金会,成立于1983年,在激光科学、微/纳米电子学、高分子科学、材料科学和天体物理学等领域都具有较高的研究水平。同时,该研究院文化遗产研究也是魅力欧洲研究基础设施(CHARISMA European research infrastructure)的重要组成部分。Paraskevi Tornari研究员是多个欧盟框架项目的负责人或主要参与者,主要从事全息、激光干涉测量和结构诊断方面的研究。
The development of holographic Interferometry (HI) and related techniques have provided an important non destructive method for the structural examination and evaluation of condition of artworks and as such provides a new fast and safe tool in the hands of art conservation scientists.
Over the last years the HINDT technique has been explored for its capabilities in assisting the diagnosis of complicated structural problems either qualitatively or quantitatively depending on the problem and the requirements to be answered. The versatility of the optical geometries and the technical parameters involved allow each problem to be treated uniquely alleviating the technique in one of the most known modern technologies for art conservation of nowadays with broad applicability from defect diagnosis to preventive conservation.
For art conservation and Cultural Heritage (CH) field in general the HINDT and its digital counterpart that has been developed for its portable potential in the holography-optical metrology laboratory of IESL/FORTH is implemented as a powerful direct structural diagnosis tool through its potential of the visual character of fringe patterns which offer on-field a direct evaluation of the concerned problem.
In this presentation the application of the technique of Holographic Interferometry as a direct diagnosis tool applied in a number of different art conservation case studies it will be described.