:个人简介报告主题:Complex Network Systems: Modelling, Control and Optimisation
报告时间:5月11日上午9: 00
报告地点:校本部/东区 通用大楼508室
Many real-world systems are of large-scale network nature, such as power grids and biological systems. A major challenge is how to deal with sheer size and complexity of these large-scale networked systems to deliver desirable and time-critical outcomes. Deep understanding of complex network systems is critical in helping address significant industrial problems such as maintaining stability of smart grids with large number of intermittent renewable energy sources, and detection of money laundering networks to fight crimes.
In this talk, we will first give the fundamentals of complex network systems, outlining the recent developments, key technical issues and future challenges. We will then look at how to tailor their new theories and methodologies for modelling, control and optimisation in complex network systems. Some of our recent projects will be reported as case studies.
Professor Xinghuo Yu is an Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor and a Distinguished Professor at RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Melbourne, Australia. He is also the President of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society for 2018 and 2019.
He received BEng and MEng degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1982 and 1984, and PhD degree from Southeast University, Nanjing, China in 1988, respectively.
His main research areas are control systems engineering, intelligent and complex systems, and smart grids. He received a number of awards and honours for his contributions, including the prestigious 2018 M. A. Sargent Medal of Engineers Australia and 2013 Dr.-Ing. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He was named a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) in 2015, 2016 and 2017. He is a Fellow of IEEE, FIET, Australian Computer Society, and Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is also a Fellow, Charted Professional Engineer and Engineering Executive of the Institution of Engineers Australia.