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创建时间:  2018/09/18  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

题目:多视点显示中光的轨道角动量(Orbital Angular Momentum of Light for Multi-View Displays)
报告人: 英国剑桥大学先进光电子研究中心Daping Chu(初大平)教授
地点:1066vip威尼斯宝山校区东区机自大楼(9号楼) 1002A
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light has an unbounded set of orthogonal states and can be used to enhance the channel capacity of data transmission.  So far the related works have been focused on using orbital angular momentum modes to encode/decode and multiplex point-based on-axis signals for maximum data channel numbers and capacity. The viability of using OAM to create multiscopic displays was explored. Multi-view image information is encoded using an OAM beam array before being sorted into different view directions. Subsequently the encoding and decoding of two-dimensional information using different OAM modes was investigated for a three-view display to show any OAM coded state can be recovered selectively.  The experimental demonstrations suggest that OAM could potentially serve as an alternative platform for future multi-view display systems.

