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创建时间:  2018/11/29  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

时间 2018 12 3 日下午 13 30
地点 :东区 9 号楼 1002A
事宜 :新加坡南洋理工大学 A sundi 教授受邀到我校访问交流,并就精密检测国际合作项目及联合实验室等方面,与我校应用光学与检测实验室进行洽谈,欢迎各位师生参加!
Asundi 教授简介
Anand Asundi graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Following a brief tenure Virginia Tech., he joined the University of Hong Kong in 1983 where he was Professor till 1996. Currently he is Professor and Deputy Director of the Advanced Materials Research Centre at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His teaching area is in Solid Mechanics and his research interests are in Photomechanics and Optical Sensors. He has published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented invited and plenary talks at International Conferences around the world. He has also chaired and organized numerous conferences in Singapore and other parts of the world. He is Editor of Optics and Lasers in Engineering and on the Board of Directors of SPIE, the international society of Optical Engineers. He is a fellow of the Institute of Engineers, Singapore and SPIE. He also holds advisory professorial appointments at Tongji University, Shanghai University and Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He is also Chairman of the Asian Committee on Experimental Mechanics and the Asia Pacific Committee on Smart and Nano Materials both of which he co-founded. Prof. Asundi's primary research interests are in the field of photomechanics with specific applications in the fields of micro and nano mechanics, biomechanics, chemical sensing, non-destructive testing and smart structures.

上一条:上海高端外专希腊Vivi Tornari教授应邀做“艺术品直接诊断--基于全息技术的技术,方法和应用”的学术报告
