报告题目: Machine intelligence in smart cities
报告人: 赵万青博士(英国卡迪夫大学)
时间: 2019年1月7日(周一)上午9:30
地点: 1066vip威尼斯宝山校区东区9号机自大楼702B会议室
In this talk, Dr Zhao will present his current work on the development of machine learning, AI and optimisation techniques for their applications around smart cities including water, built environment and smart grid. Regarding water resource management, potable water distribution networks and waste water collection networks are the fundamental constituents of the complex urban water infrastructure. Traditional and advanced optimization methodologies are investigated with research insights to reduce the design cost while also meeting the demands of acquiring clean water and releasing wastewater by consumers. Moreover, the operation of water distribution networks presents a great challenge to water utilities, as reflected by the complex interplay of a range of multidimensional factors such as the structure of the water network and energy tariff. To tackle such a challenge, a systematic model predictive control methodology has been developed to efficiently manage the water network in real-time. Furthermore, the prediction of combined sewer over?ow (CSO) behaviour within waste collection networks from live monitoring data is also studied, as a substitute for the commonly established hydrological-hydraulic modelling approach. Finally, the research centralised on the built environment resilience in response to natural hazards and the development of a smart energy cluster system for reducing cost and carbon footprint of the appliance in the fish processing industry will also be discussed from a complex, system engineering perspective.