线上:腾讯会议(ID:975 482 107)
报告摘要:Lithium-ion batteries have become one of the most promising sources for accelerating the development of transportation electrification, where effective electrode manufacturing plays a key role in determining battery performance. Due to the highly complicated process and strongly coupled interdependencies of electrode production, a data-science solution that can analyse feature variables within manufacturing chain and achieve reliable prediction is urgently needed. This work proposes two feasible data-science solutions, through using interpretable machine learning techniques, for effectively quantifying the importance and correlations of battery manufacturing features and their effects on the predictions of electrode properties. Illustrative results demonstrate that the proposed data-science frameworks not only achieve the reliable predictions of electrode properties but also leads to the effective quantification of both manufacturing feature importance and correlations. This is the first time to design the systematic data-driven frameworks for directly quantifying battery production feature importance and correlations by various evaluation criteria, paving a promising solution to reduce model dimension and conduct efficient sensitivity analysis of battery manufacturing.
报告人简介:刘凯龙,男,博士,现为英国华威大学高级研究员。主要从事于电池制造链分析、电池储能系统建模、估计、优化控制、故障诊断与健康管理等电池自动化管控方向的研究。目前主持英国HVM Catapult一项、以主要完成人身份参与大规模国际合作项目8项(累计金额超过人民币1.8亿元)。近5年在电池管控顶级期刊上发表高质量SCI 论文40余篇(中科院1 区27 篇、2 区10 篇),其中第一/通讯作者28 篇、ESI 1%高被引11 篇、ESI 0.1%热点论文5 篇。论文总被引1800 余次、有8篇论文引用超过90次、H指数23。相关研究成果受到多位院士、IEEE Fellow等国际同行专家的正面引用评价。目前负责领导英国最大的储能产学研机构—华威大学WMG储能组的电池管控数据分析工作,并与帝国理工、牛津等超过15所顶级院校以及捷豹路虎、阿斯顿马丁等多所知名企业保持紧密合作,多项相关成果被公司借鉴设计成熟产品。现担任顶尖能源应用期刊Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (中科院1区, IF: 14.98)、IFAC控制工程旗舰期刊Control Engineering Practice (中科院2区, IF: 3.48)、能源研究期刊Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:4.01)编委。受邀担任包括IEEE期刊TTE(中科院1 区, IF: 5.12)、JESTPE(中科院2区, IF: 4.47)、Energy(中科院1区, IF: 7.15)、IJEPES(中科院2区, IF:4.63)等SCI期刊客座编辑, 成功组织关于“电池管控”、“储能系统应用”等专题征稿10次。在IEEE IJCNN2021、LSMS&ICSEE2021、WCCI2020等国际学术会议上担任组织出版主席1次、专题主席5次、委员会成员6次。曾兼职担任过知名企业MG和艾伦图灵研究所的数据分析师,具备扎实的项目实践与产学研合作功底。