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l 个人简介

朴冠宇,1066vip威尼斯机自学院教授、博士生导师,省部级人才;分别于2014年和2019年在吉林大学和清华大学获本科和博士学位,并在美国密歇根州立大学从事博士后研究2023年加入1066vip威尼斯 - 正版威斯尼斯人下载

长期从事无损检测与评估理论、技术及应用研究,尤其在动生涡流与动磁高清检测理论、物理信息与数据融合反演算法和检测机器人装备等方面取得系统性原创成果,将检测新理论和反演新算法成功应用于研制的新型检测机器人装备中,通过了中国和美国工程现场验证;首次打破管道内检测技术瓶颈,被国内外专家评价为突破性技术;主要研究成果参展了国家十三五科技创新成就展,获得国内外学术期刊和官方媒体封面报道。主持及参与IEEE磁学学会国际项目、美国铁路协会、美国交通部、国家重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金项目等10余项;发表高水平论文20余篇;授权和公开发明专利10项(含美国专利)。担任202220232024IEEE ICPHM委员会成员和Publicity Chair等职务,担任Advanced MaterialsIEEE Transactions20余个SCI期刊审稿人

l 主要研究领域





l 代表性成果

▪ 论文

    1、Piao G, Guo J, Hu T, et al. Fast reconstruction of 3-D defect profile from MFL signals using key physics-based parameters and SVM[J]. NDT & E International, 2019, 103: 26-38 (中科院一区).

    2、Piao G, Guo J, Hu T, et al. A novel pulsed eddy current method for high-speed pipeline inline inspection[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019, 295: 244-258 (Q1).

    3、Probst P, Piao G(通信), Kumar D, et al. Miniaturized multi-modality field-ready sensing system for defect detection of CFRP materials[J]. NDT & E International, 2023, 137: 102815(中科院一区).

    4、Li J, Piao G(通信), Desai V S, et al. Multi-channel capacitive sensing system for cross bore detection and classification by machine learning[J]. NDT & E International, 2023, 137: 102851(中科院一区).

       5、Piao G, Li J, Udpa L, et al. Finite-element study of motion-induced eddy current array method for high-speed rail defects detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021, 57(12): 1-10 (封面论文).

       6、Piao G, Li J, Udpa L, et al. The effect of motion-induced eddy currents on three-axis MFL signals for high-speed rail inspection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021, 57(4): 1-11 (封面论文).

       7、Piao G, Ling J, Li J. Classification and characterization of coexisting defects from magnetic flux leakage data using deep learning method[J]. AIP Advances, 2023, 13(1) (编辑精选论文).

       8、Piao G, Mateus J, Li J, et al. Phased array ultrasonic imaging and characterization of adhesive bonding between thermoplastic composites aided by machine learning[J]. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2023, 38(3): 500-518.

       9、Piao G, Guo J, Hu T, et al. The effect of motion-induced eddy current on high-speed magnetic flux leakage (MFL) inspection for thick-wall steel pipe[J]. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2020, 31(1): 48-67.

       10、Piao G, Guo J, Hu T, et al. High-sensitivity real-time tracking system for high-speed pipeline inspection gauge[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(3): 731.

▪ 获奖






    1、专利号:US11477001B2US PatentData concentration system for inner detector of oil-gas pipeline, and timing control method









1 多篇论文被选为封面论文


3 研究成果获得国内外媒体广泛报道

l 科研项目


   2、IEEE Magnetics Society Special Project, Physics-Informed Neural Network for Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation of Ferromagnetic Materials, 2021-2022, 主持

   3、Association of American Railroads, TTCI, Integrated Wave Hybrid Electromagnetic and Ultrasonic Sensing for Real-Time In-Motion Rails Fatigue and Fractures Detection, 2020-2023, 骨干;

   4、Con EdisonIndustry ProjectDevelopment of Multi-Modal Electromagnetic NDE Methods for CFRP Composite Wrap on Cable Pipes2021-2023,骨干

   5、Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Industry Project, Development of Electromagnetic (EM) Sensing System for Rapid and High Accuracy Cross Bores Detection2020-2021,骨干

   6、Department of Transportation (DOT), USA, Low-variance Deep Graph Learning for Predictive Pipeline Assessment with Interacting Threats, 2018-2021, 参与




l 国际合作


