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创建时间:  2017/05/04  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

时间:2017年5月23日(星期二)  10:00
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Engineering applications
Shaoping Xiao, Associate professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Iowa
Scale plays a vital role in science and engineering. Modeling and simulation at multiple scales, including multiple length scales and multiple time scales, becomes a challenge in many engineering applications. In this seminar, two types of multiscale methods will be introduced. One is hierarchical (or sequential) mutliscale modeling, and the other is concurrent multiscale modeling. A few examples will be used to demonstrate multiscale modeling and simulation in Engineering applications: material properties of nanomaterials, mechanical behaviors of nanodevices, material phase changing problems, and lubrication in mechanical systems.
Dr. Xiao is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at The University of Iowa. He was graduated by Northwestern University with a PhD degree in mechanical engineering before joining The University of Iowa. His group's research interests include finite element method, mesh free particle methods, and multiscale modeling and simulation.
肖绍平,爱荷华大学机械工程和工业工程系副教授。中国科技大学力学系获学士、硕士学位,美国西北大学机械工程系博士学位,博士师从Ted Belytscho 教授。2003年受聘为爱荷华大学助理教授,2008年被评为终身教授。肖教授所领导的研究团队主要开展工程和科学课题的数值模型和模拟研究,包括有限元分析,无网格粒子方法以及多尺度模型等。

