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创建时间:  2017/05/04  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报 告 人Lam, Hak-Keung. (IEEE senior member)伦敦国王学院教授
报告题目Polynomial-Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems and their Applications 
报告摘要This talk will cover the topics from the concept of fuzzy-model-based control and methodologies to the state-of-the-art fuzzy-model-based control systems and their analysis. Fuzzy-model-based control systems and methodologies will be briefly reviewed. In particular, mathematical tools and basic stability analysis for fuzzy-model-based control systems will be presented. Recent contributions from the presenter focusing on the membership-function-dependent stability analysis will be discussed. This talk is divided mainly into four sections. In the first section, it gives an introduction to the general idea of control problem and the basic concept of fuzzy control system. In the second section, the polynomial-fuzzy-model-based control system will be discussed, which provides a general framework describing a general nonlinear system. In the third section, an idea of membership-function-independent stability analysis will be presented. It will then focus on the membership-function-dependent stability analysis for the relaxation of stability conditions. In the fourth section, the work of the presenter will be summarized with the support of some applications.
Biography received the B.Eng. (Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. During the period of 2000 and 2005, he worked with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Fellow respectively. He joined as a Lecturer at King’s College London in 2005 and is currently a Reader. His current research interests include intelligent control and computational intelligence. He has served as a program committee member, international advisory board member, invited session chair and publication chair for various international conferences and a reviewer for various books, international journals and international conferences. He is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IET Control Theory and Applications, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Neorocomputing; and guest editor for a number of international journals. He is in the editorial board of Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical System, The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, Cogent Engineering and International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control. He is an IEEE senior member. He is a coeditor of two edited volumes: Control of Chaotic Nonlinear Circuits (World Scientific, 2009) and Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (World Scientific, 2012), and author/coauthor of three monographs: Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems (Springer, 2011), Polynomial Fuzzy Model Based Control Systems (Springer, 2016) and Analysis and Synthesis for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Model-Based Systems (Springer, 2016). 

