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Real-time capture and simulation of the real world (LABEX Persyval Lab)

创建时间:  2018/05/09  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报告主题:Real-time capture and simulation of the real world (LABEX Persyval Lab)
报告时间:2018年5月11日 上午9:30
内容简介: Peter MITROUCHEV is now at the University of Grenoble, France. His current research interests cover: Modeling, simulation and design of mechanisms and multi-body systems, Static, dynamic and vibrations, FEM analysis, Robotics, Mechatronics, Digital mock-up, Virtual Reality (VR) and its application in sensor/motor restoring of gesture,  Assembly/disassembly simulation, Link between simulation and CAD system including interaction with VR technologies, Cyber-Physical Systems, Pedagogical rehabilitation in education, Cognitive biometrics, Computational intelligence and reasoning, Humanoid and non-humanoid robots for education,Compliance robots for surgery, Disassembly for End of Life cycle, Eco-Design (Design for Environment), Products Eco-Efficiency Assessment, Self-scheduling for flexible manufacturing systems… He has been involved in many industrial contracts with French and foreign partners such as: BA Systems, EADS-CCR, Caterpillar France, IAP GmbH, Ideko R&D Center, Pernaz, Brifaz, Litostroj, PPC, Intermark. He supervised 8 PhD students, authored and co-authored 98 papers (journals, international communications, patents), leaded 1 research project and participated in 7 other projects.
PERSYVAL-lab (http://www.persyval-lab.org/index.html) federates 800 researchers and academics from 10 laboratories in Grenoble working on computer science, hardware architecture, signal processing, control and mathematics towards a common scientific goal: build secure, reliable and efficient cyber-physical systems combining "smart" devices interconnected and interactive virtual objects.
In the frame of Researche axe: Authoring Augmented Reality (WP2), Real-time capture and simulation of the real world. Representation and editing of virtual prototypes. Natural interaction with the augmented world our research aimed to better understand we focused in how Virtual Reality (VR) is influencing on human behavior with using biomechanical analysis methods and its application for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – CRPS (Algodystrophy) rehabilitation in particular. We focus to Pain and muscular maladaptation, due to the abnormal posture of affected limbs, which are big obstacles for CRPS patients in their physical therapy and daily lives. Thus, in order to overcome some drawbacks of the traditional physical therapy, an application based on Leap Motion and Unity3D was developed allowing to manipulate the relationship between the user’s physical hand motion and the rendered avatar virtual motion. The application was validated by a pilot study performed at University Hospital Center (CHU) Grenoble in the Service of Hand surgery. During the experiments the rendered avatar hand motion is shown identical, amplified or reduced compared to the users’ real hand motion. Users’ feedback, after each experience, allowed to positively conclude for the possibility to use the application in rehabilitation process.

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