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Spectroscopic ellipsometry and its intersection with interferometry

创建时间:  2018/05/21  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

报告主题:Spectroscopic ellipsometry and its intersection with interferometry

报告时间:2018522 上午1000

报告人:Sergiy Valyukh 



Sergiy Valyukh博士,副教授(瑞典林雪平大学,Linköping University, Sweden, Sergiy博士在光学检测以及光学材料方面有深厚的造诣。曾先后获得国际先进材料协会科学奖2003),瑞典基金会ALMI提名为达尔纳项目的开发者2009)等。先后组织过多次重要国际会议:前沿显示技术”(乌克兰,199719992002)“欧洲SID”(Borlänge,瑞典,2003)等,并多次受邀在重要国际学术会议上作邀请报告和特邀报告。其先后多次前往香港科技大学和南洋理工大学等高校做访问学者。Sergiy教授目前在国际重要刊物上发表国际论文80多篇,11项发明专利以及出版1部著作。其主要研究领域包括:光学检测,光学材料,光学成像。

报告摘要:Both spectroscopic ellipsometry and interferometry are powerful non-contact and non-destructive optical techniques used for characterization surfaces and bulk materials. In contrast to interferometry that is based on measuring of intensity distribution in an interference pattern, ellipsometry deals with analysis of the state of polarization of the light interacted with a sample. Basics of the ellipsometric methods will be presented. A few experimental setups that can be assembled in the Lab of Applied Optics and Metrology and be combined with the existed interferometric facility for investigation of surfaces, thickness measurements, study of indexes of refraction and anisotropy will be discussed.


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