活动时间:2019年5月21日 下午4:30-5:10
活动地点: 宝山校区机自大楼514室
报告英文题目:Autonomous Vehicles - A potential vertical for 5G and beyond
报告人:Prof. Tarik Taleb, Aalto University, Finland
报告摘要:Recently, autonomous driving has gone from “maybe possible” to “definitely possible” thanks to the emerging technologies that are developed within the framework of multi-access edge computing (MEC) and 5G era. The concept of autonomous vehicles promise many benefits for future transport but also brings significant challenges. For enabling fully/partially self-driving cars, we need to enable different types of communications including V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) and V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communications. Definitely, 4G system, with speeds of about 12 Mbps and latency of 50ms, is not able to satisfy the requirements of fully/partially self-driving car services. Therefore, fully/partially self-driving car services will require an unfailing, robust and omnipresent wireless network that has extensive coverage, high data transfer speeds, and low latency. For this reason, AI, and MEC and 5G will play a crucial role in enabling fully/partially self-driving car services. This talk will be shedding light on the challenges that autonomous driving is facing, will introduce the achievements made so far, and will highlight some of the implementation work carried out in MOSA!C Lab.