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创建时间:  2019/05/20  王智渊   浏览次数:   返回

活动时间: 2019年5月21日 下午5:10-5:40

活动地点: 校本部东区机自大楼514室

报告英文题目:Computational Intelligence Inspired V2X Communications


报告人:Celimuge Wu, Associate Professor of The University of Electro-Communications

报告摘要:With the emergence of various vehicular Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as driving behavior analysis, real time traffic information update, and autonomous driving, a new communication architecture that can achieve ultra-low delay and high throughput is crucially required. Computational intelligence (CI) covers a broad range of nature-inspired, multidisciplinary and computational methodologies, such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computing, learning theory, and probabilistic methods. This talk will focus on the applications of CI in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications.

